"Repeaters - You are not the center of the cyberspace!" Reposting the same submission in the same forum or blog. How many times have you seen someone post a "new" topic only to find 11 other people posted the very same topic? Ugh...it's a moderators nightmare and it happens a ridiculous amount of times daily to thousands of forums around this spinning blue globe. It's a wastes time and bandwidth of the users and the forum itself.
To avoid this, the fix is simple. Use the "SEARCH" tool for your topic and spend time looking for the answers rather than being the "impatient human" and blasting duplicate questions.
"Copy Cats" What the heck? Okay...is it copying if you reword someone's idea and make it your own? Hmmm....I'm going to stand back and see what emails I get from this one. It's a hot topic and there are literally hundreds of interpretations but no matter what you believe...copying someone else is rude at the least.
"To whom should messages be directed?" (Or why "mailing list" could become a dirty word) Sounds pretty simple, who could answer my post best or whom should it be directed to in the first place. It kind of rolls back to "Repeaters", know where you are, know the topic/content and know how get your message/question across.
"Reply to all" is the second most abused tool known to email. Good grief people, please please please STOP the chaos! Know who the "ALL" is you are replying to before doing it. What is the first most abused?
"TO: the world..." If you send a huge address list in the "TO:" box in your email...guess what? Everyone knows who you sent it to. Occasionally it is acceptable if you need everyone to know who it was sent to (typically work related) but if you are one of those who chronically who forward every stupid thing that comes into your overworked inbox and then send it "TO: the world" change your evil ways, heathen. BCC stands for Blind Carbon Copy...meaning no one knows who you sent it to. Try it, use it, memorize it and never again forward your dribble "TO: the world".
In the next post, we'll cover rule #5: "Where the heck did that Magic Mirror go?" Making yourself look good online.
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