Monday, July 25, 2011

Is Google lord of the world wide web?

Consider the recent turn of events regarding Google's latest mass judgement towards users, shutting off ALL of your Google accounts because of their "real name" policy. Pseudo-names are not allowed, therefore, Google will freeze all of your Google assets, not just Google+.

According to many, this feels like an invasion of privacy. Many want some form of anonymity when it comes to the internet and their privacy. They feel Pseudo-names are a form of protection from identity theft.

The flip side of this is that maybe...just maybe Google is trying to prevent the very thing that these people are angry about, identity theft, amongst many other troubles that plague our internet experiences every day. Dissidents, individuals who want to politically take a stand but do not want the negative (or positive) ramifications that come with speaking up to be personally attached to who they really are especially sensitive to this issue as it leaves them prone.

Say for instance, TROLLS, you know, those losers on the internet whose sole purpose is to talk smack in any public setting because the have "anonymity" living behind their pseudo-name.

Google has frozen thousands of accounts under this "real name" stance, an not just your Google+ account is frozen. It includes everything Google has control over. So, for many of us webmasters who rely on the scores of Google tools out there, fear has taken on a new name. It's called "Lord Google" and if the pesants do not play nice with the court, Lord Google will banish your existence until such time as you comply with his wishes.

That last bit is quite extreme but truly for some it may seem this to be a horrible invasion into their private internet life.

For me, I tend to ride the middle on this issue. My Google accounts are safe because I'm me online as well as in real life, for better or for worse. And I hate trolls...I abhor the ridiculous wastes of internet space these spineless people take up. And I also wonder, how many of us walk into a party or the mall and start introducing ourselves as "Sam the Slayer" or "BabyKillerZeb". Just saying is all.

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