Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Megamergers: Interesting look at Globalization

I recently read a quote by technology philosopher (who knew we had those) named Nicholas Negroponte that said the global market driven by electronic information
"...forces things to get bigger and smaller at the same time.  And that's so ironic, when things want to do both  but not stay in the middle.  There will be an increasing absense of things that aren't either very local or very global."
A very interesting idea and as I looked around at how things are shaping up here and abroad, it really made sense, in a very eerie sort of way.  This has been going on here in the U.S. for at least the past 15 years.  There have been more megamergers turning large corporations and organizations into behemoths like Walt Disney and Pixar, Kmart and Sears, Kraft and Cadbury...the list is long and growing consistently.

So what does this mean and how does it tie into my usual rants about technology?  It means beyond outsourcing, beyond international acquisitions, beyond even the assumed destabilizing effects of international economics is the growing globalization of this world.  It is more than business and technology, more than e-commerce and off-shoring, it is nearly 7 billion (6,852, 472, 823) humans thousands of miles apart but sharing the same electronics stores, retail shops, automotive industries and clothing boutiques.  And technology did this, it created our interconnectedness through cell phones, smart devices, satellites and the internet. 

Good, bad or indifferent, this is what appears to be our reality and staying ahead of the technology curve will not only keep you in the game but may make the difference between sitting on the sidelines and being the star quarterback.

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